Keto Sponge Cakes

Keto Sponge Cakes

Keto Sponge Cakes

Today we are going to share with you this delicious recipe for fritter flavoured sponge cakes from @mama_hace_keto super easy to make.


Follow the steps of this great recipe and you will be able to make about 3 portions. Once you try them you won’t be able to stop eating. We couldn’t resist. 🙊


  1. Cut 100g of oatmeal keto bread into sticks or strips.
  2. Once cut, dip them in the egg white and the mixture of erythritol and cinnamon.
  3. Let them bake for 10 – 12 minutes at about 200°C.
  4. Finally and most importantly, enjoy them! 😉

If you prefer you can also bake them in a saucepan or frying pan with olive oil. In this case they should be about 5 minutes on each side.

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