Keto pizza with chicken base

Keto pizza with chicken base

To start making the chicken pizza, cut the chicken breast into cubes and place it in the bowl of a blender or food processor with the egg and a pinch of salt.

Mix until you obtain a homogeneous, moist paste that is sticky to the touch. On a non-stick baking sheet or with extra virgin olive oil, spread the mixture in a circular shape using a spoon. I made two pizzettes but it can also be a single large pizza.

In a moderate to high oven (180-200°C), place the plate with the pizza dough until the chicken is cooked. Turn the chicken base over and brush the top with a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and paprika. Place pieces of mozzarella cheese on top and put it back in the oven until the cheese is browned. Top with green olives and, if desired, avocado, fresh herbs or anchovies, as well as any other ingredient allowed in the keto diet.

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